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What time does School Start and End?School gates open at 8.45am each morning and close at 8.55am. If your child arrives after this time, they will need to be taken to the main entrance and you will be required to explain the reason for being late. For Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, school ends at 3.25pm, and for years 3-6 and Nursery, at 3.30pm. For further information, please see ‘School Hours’ in the ‘Parents’ tab on the website.
What do I need to do if my child is sick?If your child is not well, you must ring the school office on 01902 558570 before 9am – this will avoid a home visit. We ask that you do not email, as this may not be seen in time. A note is required on the child’s return to school.
What do I need to do if I am not able to collect my child from school on time?If, for any reason, you know you will be late in collecting your child, please can you ring the school office on 01902 558570 and inform a member of staff. If your child is not collected by 3.45pm, they will be put in to our after school teatime club. There will be a cost of £3.50 for the first hour.
Can I take my child on holiday during term time?Head teachers are only allowed to authorise a leave of absence under ‘special circumstances’. No holidays will be granted during term time. We strongly advise you do not take your child out of school during term time as this has a proven impact on their learning. Parents may receive a fine from the local authority for unauthorised leave of absence.
How can I find out if the school is open during bad weather?Please see our ‘Bad Weather Policy’ under ‘School Policies’ and also listen on the radio in case of closure – for radio stations, see ‘Bad Weather’ in the ‘Parents’ tab on the website.
Who do I speak to if I am worried about my child?Could any parent wishing to discuss any concerns regarding their child, please see their class teacher in the first instance. If any concerns cannot be resolved with the class teacher, then please feel free to make an appointment to see one of our Assistant Headteachers: either Mrs Poole (KS2) or Mrs Mould (KS1) or Mrs Wright- Jones our Deputy Headteacher (Early Years). If the problem is still unresolved, an appointment can then be made with a member of our Office Team to see Mrs Scott (Headteacher).
What if my child is going home with someone else?If you wish your child to be collected by someone else, please inform the class teacher, or school office by writing a note, or phoning the school office line, before the end of the day.
What do I do if a reading book is lost?If your child’s reading book is lost, please inform the class teacher as soon as possible. A charge of £5 is usually applied before the school can issue another book.
Frequently Asked Questions
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