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At Loxdale Primary School, we aim to offer pupils a rich and enjoyable experience in mathematics by providing the knowledge, skills, concepts and processes that are appropriate to each individual and that relate to the world around them. This provision should enable them to:


  • Develop a positive and confident attitude towards mathematics and to achieve their full mathematical potential.

  • Develop logical thinking, enquiring minds and an ability to record in a systematic way.

  • Use maths to interpret, predict, explain and solve problems involving as much practical experience as possible.

  • Develop the correct mathematical vocabulary and other skills necessary to express their thinking and strategies in an appropriate manner.

  • Develop their ability to work independently and collaboratively, as appropriate.

  • Use technology within mathematics lessons and in the development of their mathematical concepts.

  • Use and apply their mathematical knowledge by making appropriate choices in real-life situations.


For information about how we teach maths, please click on the files below.


Maths Overview

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